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Geoff's Custom Design Body Works
 Moke and Mini Specialist

Mini and Moke Friends
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At the various car shows and rallies, one tends to spend some time checking out the other vehicles.  From time to time a few photos are taken.  Rather than waste them, it's time to display a few, share them with other enthusiasts.  I hope you like them.

Here's a Maryborough Moke that's catching the eye! 

From left to right,
Fred Swart's chariot
is stunning!


Geoff and Fred discuss the finer points of Moke makeovers at the Tin Can Bay Rally!

Another Moke at the Rally
Tom and Chris Christiansen
 from Childers have done
 a fine restoration here

Sometimes, a Mini just cries out to be noticed!
This magnificent floral tribute is sensational.
Roslyn and David Garlich have done a great job.

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